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Ways employers can encourage workplace safety

On Behalf of | May 7, 2018 | Workers' Compensation

In fast-paced businesses, it can be easy for some New Jersey employers to overlook safety, especially if there are numerous project deadlines and other time constraints. However, failing to regularly enforce rules can result in serious or even fatal injuries. Not only can these workplace accidents potentially cause employees to be unable to work for a certain period of time, it can also negatively impact production time.

However, there are certain things that managers can do to encourage the use of appropriate workplace safety practices. For example, all of those who are in leadership positions should follow and actively encourage others to follow them. By so doing, management can encourage a healthy safety culture that benefits everyone. They can also conduct pre-shift huddles to continuously reinforce safety mindfulness and one-on-one discussions with employees to build trust.

Managers can also use safety surveys to determine whether or not the employees are aware of the safety procedures and policies. The surveys also allow employees to provide feedback about whether or not they feel safe in the workplace and if there are things that can be done to improve safety. Finally, the employer can continuously provide safety training even for those who are long-term employees.

If employees do become injured on the job, they may suddenly find themselves without a paycheck while being responsible for their regular bills in addition to medical costs. Following a workplace accident, an attorney can often be of assistance in helping to ensure that the claim contains all required documentation and that it is filed on a timely basis.
