More than 25 years of trial success

Headache after a car crash? Seek legal action right away

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

After a car crash, it is common to experience various symptoms, from bruising to soreness. Still, if you are dealing with persistent headaches, it is crucial to pay attention. Failing to address these symptoms promptly can impact your ability to receive compensation and care.

Headaches after a car accident are a red flag

A postaccident headache is not something to brush off. They may signal underlying issues such as concussions, whiplash or even traumatic brain injuries. Headaches could also indicate damage to cervical vertebrae or muscle strain from the impact. Ignoring these symptoms might lead to worsening conditions and additional health complications.

You can seek compensation for your pain

New Jersey law safeguards the rights of accident victims. If someone else’s negligence caused your headache, you might be able to get compensation. This can cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other damages (car repair, replacement, etc.)

To pursue a personal injury lawsuit, you need to meet certain criteria for car accident-related injuries. This includes proving that your injuries are severe and have led to significant pain, suffering or functional impairment. If your headache is linked to a more severe injury, it strengthens your case.

You also need to prove that the other driver was at fault for the accident. This means demonstrating that their actions directly led to the collision and your subsequent injuries. Police reports, witness statements and accident reconstructions can serve as your evidence.

Given the complexities of personal injury claims, it is wise that you seek advice from an experienced legal professional. This way, you can recover from your injuries with the best care possible.
