Truck accidents can cause very serious injuries that can change a person’s life forever. Those injured may need money to help them pay for a variety of issues caused by their catastrophic injuries.
Figuring out how much compensation is fair for these injuries takes a careful look under New Jersey law.
Determining liability
The first step in figuring out compensation is determining who is at fault for the accident. In New Jersey, responsibility can fall on different people, like the truck driver, the trucking company, or even a third party, like a maintenance provider. Finding out who is at fault is important because it shows who must pay compensation to the injured person.
New Jersey is a modified comparative negligence state, so you need to be less at fault than the other parties to receive compensation.
Evaluating medical expenses
Serious injuries often need a lot of medical treatment, like surgeries, rehab, and long-term care. Compensation includes looking at the total medical expenses the individual has had, as well as guessing what future medical costs will be. Medical records, expert opinions, and treatment plans are important in deciding how much compensation is needed.
Calculating lost wages and earning capacity
Individuals who suffer serious injuries might not be able to work for a while or ever again. Compensation looks at lost wages due to time away from work and the effect on future earning ability. For example, if the injured party can’t go back to their old job or needs to change careers, the compensation should cover the loss of future income. Financial experts might help calculate these losses.
Considering pain and suffering
Compensation for serious injuries also includes non-economic damages like pain and suffering. These damages cover physical pain, emotional stress, and a lower quality of life. In New Jersey, there is no limit on these damages, so injured parties can get significant compensation based on how bad their injuries are.
Seeking fair compensation
Serious injuries from truck accidents can affect a victim’s life for a long time. Properly assessing the situation can help make sure those injured get the compensation they deserve.